5 Elements of A Good Website


All aspects of modern-day life link back to the Web, and as a result, this has resulted in Internet users becoming more particular now more than ever. It’ll take a winning combo of elements to develop a quality website, and users are not only searching for information, they also want an eye-catching and compelling format. We have put together a list of 5 elements we believe every website ought to possess.

Web Design Color Scheme

A website’s design ought to follow and establish an effective, eye-appealing color scheme which accents your content images and business logo. According to the principles of color theory, there are 3 basic kinds of color schemes:

Analogous Colors

They’re adjacent to one another on the color wheel. This kind of color scheme often is discovered in nature and is extremely pleasing to the eye if somewhat passive as far as contrast is concerned.

Complementary Colors

On the color wheel, they’re opposite each other. When coupled together, they’ll create bold contrast which may effectively be utilized to draw particular attention or for call to actions. Purple/yellow, blue/orange, and red/green all are complementary pairings. 

Monochromatic Colors

They’re different values of one color. Monochromatic colors are a fairly safe option, and in most cases, are easy on the eyes.

Consistent Theme

The layout of your website varies from one page to another, for instance, you typically would want your homepage to be more eye-appealing and unique than its interior pages, yet it’s vital that you consider the general impact of the website’s theme. An excellent theme ought to be clear, focused, and obvious, and every page ought to refer to it by using the layout and color scheme consistently. Each page also should feature content and images relevant to its respective subject.

Font Use

The word “font” means a lettering style. There are 2 different kinds of font, sans serif and serif. Serif fonts use semi-structural emphasis on ends of strokes; sans-serifs are introduced without those extra end strokes. Such styles may be coupled and contrasted for effect yet matters of functionality also must be considered. For example, the primary content of sites usually is set in a sans-serif as they’re easier to read and cleaner in smaller sizes.


The most critical folks involved in the design of an excellent site are the clients, the end users. We’ll ensure that our websites are simple to navigate, have minimal load time, as well as offer visitors an abundance of helpful information and resources. We’ll keep usability in mind in all aspects of our work from design to brainstorming and development to site maintenance and follow up.

Clear Contact Details

A slick website that has easy usability, pleasing design, as well as consistent themes will effectively do nothing if clients cannot find out how to get in touch with you. An outstanding design strategically integrates easy accessibility to your contact details wherever and whenever possible. We’ll make is easy for traffic to contact so clients will not have to search to find your email address, phone number, etc. 

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Holly Powell

+Holly Powell Holly Powell, Local Search Marketing Consultant has been in the local search marketing industry since the early 2000's, helping local small businesses "Get More Customers" by increasing your brand awareness through the power of social media.

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